Florida Surgeon General: Fully Vaccinated Should Go Maskless


Florida Surgeon General Scott Rivkees said fully vaccinated Floridians should go maskless despite the CDC’s recommendations regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rivkees rescinded previous public health advisories on Thursday through a three-page advisory saying state offices should return to in-person working environments and long-term mask-wearing can cause unintended consequences.

The advisory reads:

WHEREAS, continuing COVID-19 restrictions of individuals, with no end in sight, including long-term use of face coverings and withdrawal from social and recreational gatherings, pose a risk of adverse and unintended consequences; and

WHEREAS, due to COVID-19 wide-spread vaccine availability, fully vaccinated individuals should no longer be advised to wear face coverings or avoid social and recreational gatherings except in limited circumstances; and

WHEREAS, due to COVID-19 vaccine efficacy, State government offices should be conducting in-person operations to carry out their duties and better serve Floridians.

Rivkees’ advisory goes against the CDC’s recommendations saying “fully vaccinated people should continue to wear a mask” in certain settings but said nearly nine million Floridians getting their vaccines and the vaccine’s proven efficiency against the virus contributed to his decision. He also said proof of Florida residency will no longer be required to get a vaccine in Florida. He said anyone currently in Florida who meets FDA guidelines are eligible to ensure no vaccines are left unused.

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Grant Holcomb is a reporter at the Florida Capital Star and the Star News Network. Follow Grant on Twitter and direct message tips. 











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